In the U.S., porn centered around a community of performers within what's been called the circle. That is, performers who voluntarily agree to be tested for STDs/STIs such as HIV regularly. At the time I worked, this was every 30 days and is now every 14 days. They agree to refrain from risky sex acts outside of work so they don't put their fellow performers at risk. This doesn't guarantee safety because there is no such guarantee, but is a precaution. When people who've been with folks from outside of the circle enter the porn industry such as escorts or other types of sex workers, some performers expressed concerns. I cannot speak for everybody, but to me a bigger health and safety concern was the "casting couch" from within the industry. The circle was based largely on an honor system, in which performers voluntarily agreed to abstain from certain risky behaviors. Even if performers were abiding by the agreement, they may still be with ...
I strive for the best in all I do, including cam modeling. This means being an ethical live cam model. In cam modeling, ethics include: 1. Be honest about what we do and don't do in private shows. Though many cam models are honest in this sense, some may wonder if they can increase their business just by saying they'll do something and then once the customer is in private, don't do it or try to redirect them. If the customer demands something we didn't say we'll do ahead of time, that's understandable to not do it or try to redirct them. However, saying we'll do something we won't is detrimental to our success, as well as to paying customers and other cam models. As experienced cam models know, it's important to build up a repeat clientele, which won't happen by scamming customers. Furthermore, customers can leave reviews, and negative reviews or saying that a model is dishonest or deceptive won't help their business. Such experiences c...
Carol Leigh, the woman who coined the term sex work , recently passed away at 71-years-old. I'm very grateful for having the opportunity to get to know this amazing woman who devoted decades to advocating for the human rights of sex workers. I first met Carol in 2004 at a sex workers' rights event in Berkeley, California where she was dressed as her flamboyant persona, Scarlot Harlot and performed. Later, I met her as Carol when we were in somebody's living room putting together advocacy signs. Carol was kind, compassionate, intelligent, socially conscious, creative, proactive, and a great leader. Though she was very into political issues, she also had a strong personal side- caring very much about people and how people were treated. When people were mistreated or feeling bad, she reached out in a way that respected boundaries. In addition to being around Carol various times in person since we first met in 2004, we also spoke on the phone ...
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