When somebody writes something better than I can, I yield to them and share their link. Such is the case with an entry by cam model Jaye Lovely about camming and scamming in the "Diary of a Harlot" blog https://medium.com/@diaryofaharlot/cammers-scammers-3-common-scams-to-beware-13fd36bdbd66 In this entry, Jaye explained 3 types of scams against cam models: 1) Dine and Dasher, 2) Daddy Sorebucks, and 3) Nagging Nathan. 1) The Dine and Dasher refers to a customer who tells a cam model they'll pay afterwards with no intent to pay. Basically, trying to trick the cam model into giving them a free show or doing something they demand or request for free. In addition to what Jaye wrote, another sign of a Dine and Dasher is somebody who says something like "show your t*ts for 5 seconds and I'll buy a 30 minute private show." 2) Daddy Sorebucks refers to a customer who buys a show, gets the show, and then charges back. Jaye explained this is mainly about...